Probate Process
What is Probate Process?
Probate process is typically a meticulous, long and complicated endeavor. At Family Tree Ltd., we strive to provide the best quality services for our clients in the course of the said process.
In order for you to better understand what the probate process at Family Tree Ltd. looks like, we have outlined the major steps that are to be taken in this procedure:

Step 1: When someone passes away without a will or identified heirs, more distant relatives may be entitled to inherit their estate. When it is assumed that the family of the deceased might come from Central and Eastern Europe, our foreign partners forward the case to us, wherein Family Tree Ltd. undertakes probate research to locate potential heirs.
Step 2: Our process begins with a thorough genealogical investigation, examining the origins of the family. In the case that Family Tree Ltd. is able to locate distant relatives (potential heirs), our company reaches out to verify their connection and to inform them of the ongoing probate case.
Step 3: Should a distant relative be located and verified, Family Tree Ltd. then offers our services: we conduct comprehensive family research, find and retrieve all necessary evidentiary documents for the probate court proceedings, and obtain any translations, certifications, and apostilles needed. Afterward, with the assistance of our partners and partner attorney offices, the heirs will be represented in respective courts. The entire process is at no cost or risk to the heir.
Step 4: After signing a contingency agreement with a potential heir, Family Tree Ltd. takes on all costs and risks related to the probate process from start to completion. These costs include but are not limited to: research fees, translation and certification fees, and the fees of a probate lawyer.
Step 5: The next part of the process can take time (usually about two years). Family Tree Ltd. will keep potential heirs up to date on any developments in their case during this period. In certain cases, heirs may be asked to appear in court to testify; in such circumstances, Family Tree Ltd. covers all related costs (visas, flights, accommodations, etc.).
Step 6: Upon the successful completion of a probate case, the heir will receive their inheritance, from which Family Tree Ltd. will receive a priorly agreed upon fee. If for any reason the probate case does not conclude in the favor of Family Tree Ltd.’s client, Family Tree Ltd. is not entitled to payment of any kind (per contingency agreement).
Our team will be happy to walk you through this process in greater detail and answer any questions you may have.
Please feel free to contact us by email or via “Contact Us” page of our website.
We look forward to speaking with you soon!
Write to us!

International Probate Research Bureau
Co-founder of Hungarian Heir Search Association
(Családfa Kft. is registered under number 01 09 673 772 in the Court of Registration, Budapest)

Our Office:
Bécsi út 83, Budapest, Hungary 1036
Mailing Addresse:
1301 Budapest, Pf. 72.
(+36 1) 453 7020