Probate Process
Frequently Asked Questions
How and why did you contact me?
I have never heard about that relative, how is that possible?
I do not know the deceased, why would I inherit?
Why is a Hungarian firm reaching out to me if my relative died elsewhere? (US, Europe etc.)
Why can’t I know the exact details of the estate?
How do I know that your company is not a hoax?
What kind of an agreement do I sign and how do you get paid for your services?
How long does the probate process take?
How much will I inherit exactly and when will I receive my estate?
Is it possible to inherit debt?
Is the inheritance personal property or real estate? What happens to the decedent’s personal property?
The estate is a set of assets in which both real estate and movable property are included. In addition, it may include claims, debts, property rights (e.g.copyright). It does not belong to the estate, but unless otherwise specified, the heir may claim the reversion (e.g. insurance, pension fund etc.) The private property of the deceased is given to the heir in the probate proceedings. This is merely a finding that, with the death of the deceased, the ownership of the inheritance has transferred to the heir. In some situations, the real estate might be sold during the probate process in order to preserve its market-value at that given time. However, if the real estate is not sold yet and the heirs would like to sell it, then Family Tree Ltd. will assist with the sale of the real estate.

Write to us!

International Probate Research Bureau
Co-founder of Hungarian Heir Search Association
(Családfa Kft. is registered under number 01 09 673 772 in the Court of Registration, Budapest)

Our Office:
Bécsi út 13, Budapest, Hungary 1023
Mailing Addresse:
1301 Budapest, Pf. 72.
(+36 1) 453 7020