About Us
Family Tree Ltd.
Our work in the field of genealogical and probate research over the past 30 years has equipped us with expert knowledge. Primary focus of Family Tree Ltd. is locating missing heirs and connecting them with unclaimed estates they are entitled to. To this end, we take on all the responsibilities from contacting the missing heir to retrieving and submitting all necessary documents to concluding the financial settlement. Throughout the length of this process, we assume all risks and cover all costs. Thanks to our extensive network of correspondents, we have the capacity to locate and represent heirs in almost all parts of the world. Our team possesses the necessary legal expertise to navigate probate processes in Hungary, Western Europe and North America. Family Tree Ltd. upholds the highest standards of confidentiality and processes all information in accordance with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Gergely Galovics CEO and Managing Director of Family Tree Ltd. |
George Eötvös Partner and Managing Director, Founder of Family Tree Ltd. |
Write to us!

International Probate Research Bureau
Co-founder of Hungarian Heir Search Association
(Családfa Kft. is registered under number 01 09 673 772 in the Court of Registration, Budapest)

Our Office:
Bécsi út 13, Budapest, Hungary 1023
Mailing Addresse:
1301 Budapest, Pf. 72.
(+36 1) 453 7020