Welcome to
Family Tree Ltd.

Heir Search and
Probate Research
in Eastern and Central-Europe

Welcome to Family Tree Ltd.

Heir Search and
Probate Research
in Eastern and Central-Europe


“Connecting heirs with their fortunes since 1991”


Family Tree Ltd. was founded in 1991 by George Eötvös and has been the leading heir search company in Eastern and Central-Europe for more than three decades.

Our company establishes and reaches out to potential heirs who are unknown to courts and notaries. With our thorough work and research, we want to ensure that the potential heirs would get their fair share.

Our primary research areas are Eastern Europe, former Soviet republics and Israel. We have offices in Budapest, Warsaw and Romania; however, we have research assistants all over the territory.

Family Tree Ltd. is a founding member of the Hungarian Heir Search Association.

George Eötvös

George Eötvös
Partner and Managing Director,
Founder of Family Tree Ltd.

logo for Genealogical research - hammer

Successfully solved cases

happy client

Thankful clients


Genealogical research

About us

Our work in the field of genealogical and probate research over the past 30 years has equipped us with expert knowledge. Primary focus of Family Tree Ltd. is locating missing heirs and connecting them with unclaimed estates they are entitled to. To this end, we take on all the responsibilities from contacting the missing heir to retrieving and submitting all necessary documents to concluding the financial settlement. Throughout the length of this process, we assume all risks and cover all costs. Thanks to our extensive network of correspondents, we have the capacity to locate and represent heirs in almost all parts of the world. Our team possesses the necessary legal expertise to navigate probate processes in Hungary, Western Europe and North America. Family Tree Ltd. upholds the highest standards of confidentiality and processes all information in accordance with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

probate process

Probate process is typically a meticulous, long and complicated endeavor. At Family Tree Ltd., we strive to provide the best quality services for our clients in the course of the said process.

In order for you to better understand what the probate process at Family Tree Ltd. looks like, we have outlined the major steps that are to be taken in this procedure:


“…Family Tree did an incredible job researching and finalizing my family’s inheritance”

(2019) Margaret Liebenguth

“After many frustrating years of personal research for my Hungarian family,
I was lucky enough to find you and your staff at Family Tree.
I am very grateful to you for having worked so diligently in locating my long-lost paternal family in Budapest”

(1999) Hermán de Béky

“…Their dealings with me have been of utmost professionalism and fairness throughout the whole process,
being very thorough to make sure I was the rightful owner and that I was legitimate also.”

(2012) Lucy Mc Dermott

Our Team

Meet our team!

Our office has moved.

Our new address:
1023 Budapest, Bécsi út 13.

Write to us!



International Probate Research Bureau

Co-founder of Hungarian Heir Search Association

(Családfa Kft. is registered under number 01 09 673 772 in the Court of Registration, Budapest)

old photos on a desk
Our Office:

Bécsi út 13, Budapest, Hungary 1023

Mailing Addresse:

1301 Budapest, Pf. 72.


(+36 1) 453 7020





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